Tackle Football
Barnstable Silver Bullets Youth Football Program
Barnstable Silver Bullets Youth Football Program
Practice will begin in August, and will be held Monday through Thursday until school starts from 5:45-7:30 p.m. After school starts, practices will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:45-7:30 p.m. All practices are held at Barnstable High School.
It is strongly recommended that players come to practice in shape!!!
We supply all equipment, except rubber-soled cleats (metal and removable spikes are not allowed), athletic supporter, girdle, and mouthpiece. The mouthpiece must be a color (not clear) and attach to the facemask. Prior to equipment hand-out, your child should wear shorts, t-shirt and cleats to practice.
Games are played on Saturday for Junior Varsity and Sundays for Varsity.

For date of birth
11/15/2010 - 7/2/2013
Weight Limit
- No midget shall attain the age of 15 by 11/15 or have reached the 9th grade.
Pee Wee
For date of birth
7/1/2013 - 7/2/2015
Weight Limit
For date of birth
7/1/2015 - 9/1/2017
Weight Limit
- Date of birth between 9/2/2017-9/1/2018 please reach out for more information at barnstablesilverbullets@gmail.com
All Parents
All parents are required to donate at least four hours of their time to man the concession stand, gate collection, help with games and field support. Sign-ups will be posted on our website and social media platforms.
Sign Up Genius will be available once schedules have been solidified.
Fundraising activities are also necessary to keep the participation fee low, purchase equipment and other expenses. The Silver Bullets is a non-profit organization and the people who keep the program running are volunteers.
Volunteer/Equipment Deposits
The Silver Bullets will collect a $75 volunteer deposit per family and a $100 equipment deposit per child
To be brought to the first practice August 9th!!
You can pay with a check or cash - if paying by check you will need two checks
One for $75
One for $100
(if you have more than one child in the program the equipment deposit can be combined on one check for all players)
Once volunteer hours are complete your deposit will be returned.
Once ALL equipment is returned your equipment deposit will be refunded.
If you do not comply with these requirements, these fees will not be refunded.

Welcome to the 38th Season of the Barnstable Silver Bullets Youth Football!!
We are excited for the upcoming season and look forward to seeing you on the field!!
Registration Fee for the 2025 Season:
$250 till April 30th